I went to Ryan because I have diabetes and am on insulin as well as tablets for the condition and also suffer with depression and anxiety for which I am on medication. I started with my daughter who’s story I will go into next.
I have had diabetes for 5 years now and cannot get my sugar levels under control, I find the doctors and the diabetic clinic unhelpful, I have felt overwhelmed and unable to get myself on track. Ryan suggested to me to seek the help from Linda Sims his nutritionist, I spoke to Linda on the phone and have arranged an appointment but I needed blood tests done , which I asked my doctor to do , which they did but what I find really funny, annoying and frustrating is that I could not get my results unless I went to see the doctor who has found that I have very low B12 and need B12 injections 3 times a week for two weeks. Also my iron levels are low so has prescripted iron tablets, and all this because I asked on Ryan’s and Linda’s advice for the blood tests. My aim is to be tablet and insulin free with the help from both Ryan and Linda. I have my first appointment with Linda tomorrow (04.08.22) and then will have a follow up appointment then the plan is for Ryan to take over.
Just before I started with Ryan my trapped nerve started to cause me pain like never before, not only did Ryan tailor my sessions to take into account the pain I was in but also stretched me out and on his advice I went to the physio that Ryan recommended but the treatment was not helping. All the time Richard was in contact with Ryan about my condition. Richard wrote to my doctor who is sending me for a x-ray and has said that the low B12 and lack of iron could have a bearing on the nerves.
Through all this Ryan has messaged me (even when he is on holiday) and made me feel like I’m not just a number or there to make money for him.
My daughter has also come with me to Ryan and I have arranged an appointment with Linda for her as well as my daughter has problems with weight and female problem so this will make you laugh the doctor has called her in for her blood results asking her why nobody has spoken to her about polycystic ovary’s and she also need B12 and Vitamin D but tablets. We went to the doctors when is was about 17 and not once was she diagnosed just told to lose weight.
Ryan has given her confidence and I have seen her body image of herself improve.
Thank you Ryan for your help and your caring.